At the ProSport Academy we offer help to all therapists. No matter if you own your own private practice, the NHS, pro sport, or you work in someone else’s clinic. We want to empower all healthcare workers.
But who you are, your situation and your goals will define the way we help you. We don’t work in a ‘one size fits all’ kind of way.
A question we get asked by therapists all the time is what is the difference between the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship and the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind program.
Read on to find out…
- What the Mentorship is.
- Who the Mentorship is for.
- What are the benefits to the Go-To Physio Mentorship?
- What the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is.
- Who the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is for.
- How can the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind help?
What Is The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program?
First off, let’s address what each program is and isn’t.
The ‘Go-To Physio’ Mentorship provides physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals with coaching, training modules and access to an expert community, along with a proven treatment plan derived from Dave O’Sullivan’s experience as a pro sport physiotherapist.
This gives our 850+ physiotherapists the ability to confidently diagnose any patient, find the right treatment and keep patients progressing. Dave’s groundbreaking treatment plan implements a pro sport approach to bridge the gap between low and high-level rehab so that the patients can reach their dream outcome.
Once installed into the therapist’s clinical practice, the step-by-step system will often triple referrals, double their average patient sessions and empower them to confidently treat any patient who walks through the door.
Who Is The Mentorship For?
The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship is for humble and motivated physiotherapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, strength coaches and other healthcare professionals who deal with people in pain on a daily basis who want to;
- Grow your clinical confidence
- Confidently treat every patient who walks through the door
- Keep patients progressing without dropping off
- Ethically increase your patient visit average
- Gain a structured step-by-step system that puts all your courses together
- Help every patient reach their desired outcome
- Help you increase the ceiling of what my patient’s can achieve
- Help you build your reputation
- Gain the best and most effective progression of treatment for my patients.
How Will The Mentorship Help My Confidence, Patient Visit Average, And Increase My Patient Numbers?
The Mentorship helps you do this in 3 simple steps;
Step 1. We help you make sense of your patient’s true problem
We empower you to ask the right subjective assessment questions and a simple and structured objective assessment so you can piece the clues of your patient’s story together. This allows you to have complete clarity and confidence to explain the problem, solution and how many sessions it is going to take to achieve your patient’s desired outcome.
Step 2. We help you explain the problem, solution and FULL treatment plan to the patient (including how many sessions it will take)
We give you the ‘Pro Sport’ treatment plan design and effective explanation frameworks so you confidently explain the problem and solution to your patient. This gives them clarity and peace of mind and increases trust in your ability to get them to their desired outcome.
We then show you how to design a full ‘value-based’ treatment plan with your patient. This sets expectations from the ‘get go’ and avoids stressful scenarios later down the line like patients only wanting hands-on treatment and dropping off when the pain eases.
Remember a patient will ALWAYS trust a therapist with a plan more than one that just takes it session by session.
Step 3. We help you ‘walk the walk’ and prescribe the right exercises at the right time
With the plan in place, we help you start fast with your patient and deliver big emotional wins early in the treatment process that ultimately fuels your patient’s hunger and desire to stay the course all the way to the final sessions, even when the pain eases.
You will have access to our cutting edge hands-on treatment techniques and graded exposure rehab progressions so you can confidently bridge the gap between low and high level rehab. This ensures your patient continues to see the progress each session and achieves their dream result.
How Does The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program Ethically Make Me More Money?
Great question! One of the biggest problems we find after mentoring more than 850+ therapists is that initially, when the vast majority come onto the Mentorship programme they don’t have the ‘know how’ to bridge the gap from low to high level rehab.
This results in behaviours such as telling the patient to ‘give it a go and ring me if you have any problems’ or ‘see how that goes’ without rebooking.
When we’ve peeled back the layers, we find the true cause of this behaviour is down to a lack of confidence and clarity from the therapists.
This is where the ‘Go-To’ Physiotherapist Mentorship programme comes in. We install a simple and structured step-by-step system that allows therapists to keep patients progressing even when the pain eases.
What does this mean for your clinic’s revenue?
Let’s do the maths quickly together!
Once we solve this problem at source for therapists we find the patient visit averages improve quickly.
Therapists immediately notice an improvement in rebook rates after enrolling in the mentorship programme. The other added bonus is you don’t have to spend hours and hours desperately trying to find new patients each week either.
Who The Mentorship Isn’t For
The mentorship isn’t for therapists who have ‘big egos’, not open to learning a different way at looking at the body or want to use the strategies and techniques taught in the mentorship programme to unethically keep patients coming back time and time again without making any real progress or difference in their lives.
What Is Included In The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program?
The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program includes;
- The full step-by-step system for the full body
- Lifetime access to the members area
- Cheat sheets
- Protocols
- Case studies
- Difficult patient forums
- Exercise Library for 3 months
- Refresher courses
- Group coaching calls
- 1-1 Mentorship & feedback/guidance
- Quarterly masterminds
- Facebook group
- Foundational business skills & benefits
How Long Do You Have Access To The ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Programme?
Everyone who joins the Go-To Physio Mentorship Programme gets immediate lifetime access to my step-by-step system and our members training portal so you can keep coming back to the content time and time again.
In addition, we’re always updating the mentorship. Lifetime access means you can keep learning and develop along with the latest research. No getting left behind.
Now that we have established who the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program is for and isn’t for, let’s take a look at the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind program.
What Is The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program?
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is a 12-month coaching program for private practice clinic owners.
We help clinic owners grow their clinic, maximise profit and reduce your own involvement in the practice so you can work on the business side and spend more time with your family.
We do this by giving you ‘Head Physio’ Mentorship to improve your physios’ quality of care. We also provide business & leadership coaching with a proven framework for doubling the lifetime value of patients whilst reducing your involvement in the day-to-day practice.
Once the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Business and Head Physio frameworks are fully installed in your practice you can expect to be in no more than two roles in the business, have a profitable practice, more cash in the bank, and a growing monthly revenue trend while ensuring the clinic runs and thrives without you, especially when you take a 2 week holiday!
Who Is The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program For?
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program is private practice owners that want to;
- Empower your staff to grow your clinic and increase revenue
- Drastically reduce your practice hours and transform your clinic into an autonomous business
- Improve the clinic’s overall quality of care and ensure every therapist can deliver great results
- Become a great leader with motivated staff all working together towards your vision
- Get help with your business, marketing, administrative and sales side
How Will The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Help Grow Your Clinic, Maximise Profit & Reduce Your Own Involvement In The Practice So You Can Work On The Business-Side And Spend More Time With Your Family?
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind programme focuses on two specific aspects of your clinic. You and your team.
We immediately free up your time by training your staff so they can keep their own calendars fully booked. We train your staff to drastically improve the quality of care and implement a proven clinical framework that ethically turns their 3 session clients into 6… 7… even 8 sessions.
This ensures you don’t have to constantly treat all the patients while they sit in their rooms with empty schedules.
While our ‘Go-To Physio Mentorship team are taking care of your staff for you, we are also training you in the business and leadership skills that you need in order to experience true freedom.
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic helps you (the clinic owner) do this in 3 simple steps;
Step 1. A Clear Plan & Strategy Specific To Your Situation
This starts with getting really clear on your 3 year plan. We then break this down into bite-size chunks and take the first step towards your vision. We reassess at regular intervals to make sure we are always heading in the most simple and direct path. Your strategic planning component of the Mastermind includes your Jumpstart call and yearly and quarterly strategic planning days. This ensures you are clear on the plan and the actions you need to take to always hit your vision and goals for your business and life.
Step 2. Training & Implementation Portals
Next is the ‘tactical’ ‘how to’ part of empowering your team to deliver your company’s vision. You will follow the proven ‘Go-To’ Clinic step-by-step business and head physio frameworks and install them into your business.
This also includes your ‘Go-To’ Clinic software, Exercise Library software and training portal, access to my private playbooks, all resources (checklists, templates, swipe files etc.) you need, and over the shoulder tutorials where you get to watch me implement the work frameworks in my own clinic.
Step 3. Support & Coaching From Experienced Physiotherapist Business Owners With Your Business And Clinical Challenges
This includes alternating weekly business and head physio coaching calls and a private Facebook group. This ensures that you get unstuck quickly, have a second set of eyes on all your plans, and expert accountability so you stay on track.
When combined, the strategic planning, the ‘step by step’ ‘how to’ roadmap and support and accountability ensures you have no choice but to achieve your financial and personal freedom.
How Does The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program Ethically Make Me More Money?
I know exactly how hard it can be to grow your own clinic. Outgoings are high… physio wages take up most of your revenue… and owners are left with nothing but the scraps.
That’s why our step-by-step system is a proven approach for doubling clinic’s profit, whilst increasing the abilities of your physios to reduce your workload by half.
We are so confident in our framework that if your clinic hasn’t doubled its profit after 12 months, and you haven’t halved your workload, then we will give you a full refund – no question asked!
One of the principles we teach in the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind program is that clinic owners must be working on the higher leverage tasks in the clinic.
Just think about it…
If a clinic owner’s time is worth £100+ per hour and are spending 4-5 hours a week training staff…
And then another 4-5 hours fixing their problems with their current patients…
And possibly another 4-5 hours trying to find new patients because their therapists’ diaries are quiet, it soon adds up.
The majority of clinic owners who enrol their therapists in the Mentorship programme want to eliminate the ‘trial and error’ and save themselves time, money and effort.
Let’s revisit our return on investment calculations again and the importance of your therapists being able to keep patients progressing.
In this instance, let’s be conservative and do a worst case scenario where if your therapists only increased their patient visit average by just a couple of sessions!
Clinic owners immediately notice an improvement in rebook rates after enrolling their therapists in the mentorship programme. The other added bonus is you don’t have to spend hours and hours desperately trying to find new patients each week either or putting out fires with unhappy patients.
Who The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Is For
The ‘Go To’ Clinic Mastermind program is for Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractor and other healthcare professional owners that want to:
- Maximise profits in their clinic.
- Grow their monthly revenue.
- Reduce involvement in the practice so they can truly work on the business.
- Treat patients on their terms.
- Effortlessly on board staff and train without time spent looking over shoulders.
- Improve the quality of care for their patients.
- Have more time for themselves and their families.
Who The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Isn’t For
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind programme is not for clinic owners looking for shiny objects such as the latest Facebook ‘hack’ or ‘sales tactics’ that relies on needing lots of new patients each week just to keep the doors open.
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind is about building a business that offers real value to your patients, making a difference in the community and continuing to enjoy an educated and loyal customer base that comes back to you time and time again without constantly needing to find more new patients.
What Is Included In The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Program?
The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Includes:
- The full business and head physio step-by-step system
- Access to the ‘Go-To’ clinic members area
- Marketing playbooks
- Sales team playbooks
- Operational playbooks
- Financial playbooks
- Company and team scorecards
- Access to the ‘Go-To’ clinic software system
- Difficult patient forums
- 12 Months access to the exercise library
- Access to mentorship refresher courses
- Head physio and business group coaching calls
- 1-1 Hot seats
- Jumpstart strategic planning days
- Yearly strategic planning days
- Quarterly strategic planning days
- Facebook group
- And so much more
How Long Do You Have Access To The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind Programme?
You have access to all ‘Go-To’ Clinic mastermind deliverables for as long as you are a member in good standing.
What Happens After The 12 Months Are Up?
We can go our separate ways and you can enjoy your new found freedom or you can ask to keep working with the ‘Go-To’ Clinic team to help you with your strategic plan and hold you accountable to achieving even more growth on your journey towards your 3 year goal.
What Does The After Results Look Like In Real Life For Clinic Owners?
Marty Loughran and Julie Loughran are two experienced and successful physiotherapists who own Elite Physio in Ireland.
Marty was working 60+ hours per week…
While Julie was working 30 hours with twins due to arrive in January 2021!
They had one therapist working for them and felt stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out. They enrolled this therapist onto the mentorship program right away.
Marty and Julie also installed the Pro Sport Business & Head Physio Frameworks into their clinic using the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mastermind programme.
They then hired their next therapist and also enrolled them straight into the Mentorship programme.
By January 2021, Marty had reduced his working hours to 20 hours per week and was able to pursue other sporting opportunities that he wanted to do for a long time such as working with Tyrone Gaelic Football team.
Julie was able to take a full year off to spend with her family.
And now fast forward to June 2022…
Elite Physio now has 4 full time therapists and is growing.
They have a high functioning admin team and everyone is working towards the vision, all the while having a common treatment approach across all therapists.
Marty is working less than 4 hours per week in the clinic and most of his time supporting his therapists to continue to grow. Julie is back yet now actually able to work on the business instead.
And best of all is that they hit their 3 year highly achievable goal in just 18 months.
This is the true power of working smarter not harder and clinic owners working on the higher level tasks while the ‘Go To’ Physio team takes care of the heavy lifting.
Still Have More Questions? Let’s Get Them Answered
So there it is. All of the information, the price, and the benefits of ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship program.
If you are considering enrolling on the ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentorship Program or have any more questions then click here to book your coaching call and see if we are what you are looking for.
In your free coaching call we will show you around the Mentorship program portal, the mentorship step-by-step system and discuss your situation and how we can help. This is a no-obligation call and completely free. To schedule your call and discover how the ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship can help you, click here now.
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