Private Practice Therapist Training And Mentorship

Transform Your Therapists Into Confident, Skilled 'Go-To' Private Practice Clinicians That Can Keep Patients Progressing Through A Full Treatment Plan (Even When The Pain Eases)

The Fastest Way To Equip Your Team With The Real Skills Needed To Progress Patients And Ethically Boost Your Clinic's Profit

Physio private practice owner struggling with information

Do your physical therapists struggle to apply their clinical knowledge in the real world?

Do you invest time and money into CPD and in-service training, only to continue seeing high dropoff rates, poor adherence, and a lack of confidence in progressing patients?

This not only limits your clinic's growth...but also restricts your freedom as the clinic owner.

The reality is we require different skills for different sessions as a patient progresses…

And chances are your therapists were not taught these skills at university!

The Harsh Realities Of Private Practice…

  • Private Practice Is High Pressure Environment
  • Patients Expect Results Fast
  • Patients Want To Know How Many Sessions It Will Take
  • Patients Symptoms Can Be ‘Vague’ And ‘Ambiguous’
  • Asking For Money At The End Of Sessions Can Be Awkward Especially When Patients Are Not Progressing
  • May Feel Pressured Into Performing More Manual Therapy That You’d Like
  • It Can Be Difficult To Know If The Patient Is Safe To Go Back Doing Higher Level Activities Safely

Why Knowledge Alone Doesn't Equal Competence

Physiotherapists in training with Dave O’Sullivan at the ProSport Academy

You've likely noticed a gap between what your therapists know and what they can actually apply confidently in the real world.

The problem is most clinical training focuses on growing knowledge.

But knowledge alone doesn't guarantee competence or confidence.

Just because a therapist knows how to treat a condition on paper doesn't mean they have the skills to explain it or implement it with a patient in the real world…

…in a patient centred way that progresses them to full recovery.

This is a problem for two reasons:

  • Patients don't adhere to treatment plans and drop off
  • It damages your clinic's reputation and growth

A ‘Go-To’ Clinic Is Not Built On How Many New Patients You Get, It Is How Many You Can Keep Progressing…

Not being able to keep patients progressing leads to poor retention and referrals.

It also restricts your clinic's revenue growth and your own freedom as the owner.

Bridging this knowledge-competence gap is key to your clinic's success.

You need therapists who don't just know how to treat...

But who have the confidence and communication skills to gain buy-in, adherence, and outcomes.

That's why we created the 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training And Mentorship Programme.

It goes beyond clinical knowledge to bridge the gap between what your therapist knows and what they can apply confidently in the real world.

The result?

Clinicians who are skilled and confident in ethically keeping patients progressing to the final session without dropping off.

This transforms retention, referrals, reputation and profits while saving you time, energy and money in the long run.

In just 12 weeks, your clinic will be filled with ‘Go-To’ clinicians your patients love. And you’ll have the freedom that comes from a skilled team you can rely on to keep patients progressing.

Here's what you'll gain:

  • Confident Clinicians who progress patients without drop offs
  • Increased patient visit average and revenue (ethically)
  • Higher rebook rates and retention
  • Lower cancellation rates
  • Safeguarded reputation with consistent care
  • More freedom to step away from the clinic
  • Happier patients who refer others

It's everything you need to transform your clinicians into skilled therapists who grow your clinic, profits and freedom.

We've Trained Over 1000 Therapists Globally. Now We've Tailored That Proven Methodology SPECIFICALLY For Private Practice Clinic Owners

Physiotherapists private practice clinic owners trained by Dave O’Sullivan in the Go-To Physio Method

My name is Dave O'Sullivan.

I've treated professional athletes from multiple sports over a decade-long career.

Early on though, I struggled to keep patients progressing in my own clinic.

By implementing a 'ProSport' approach focused on expectations, adherence and outcomes, I quickly improved results.

I was then able to successfully train my own therapists in this ‘ProSport’ approach.

My clinic grew rapidly and I can now comfortably leave for months at a time.

The step-by-step system I developed became the 'Go-To' Methodology.

Over the last 5+ years, it has been taught to over 1000 therapists globally.

But clinic owners told me they needed something more tailored to transform their own teams into confident, skilled clinicians FAST.

The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training And Mentorship program was then born...

It takes the proven methodology I've refined over 15+ years and turned it into a private practice specific transformation program for Physical Therapy clinic owners.

You'll equip your therapists with exactly what they need to keep patients progressing.

The result is a skilled team of 'Go-To' clinicians who grow your clinic's success.

Here's what you should expect your therapists to gain:

  • Rapidly boost therapist confidence and competence
  • Develop skills to set patient expectations and gain buy-in
  • Learn techniques to increase adherence and outcomes
  • Safeguard your reputation with consistent care
  • Increase retention, referrals, revenue and profits
  • More freedom to step away from the clinic
  • Happier patients who refer others
  • All in just 12 weeks!

Here's How The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Program Delivers Rapid Results For Your Clinic:

Step 1: Initial Assessment Mastery
The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training step 1 initial assessment mastery

We focus intensively in phase 1 on setting the patient (and clinician) up for success from initial assessment. Following our proven system, your therapist will:

  • Understand the difference between internal and external problems
  • Ask the right questions in the the subjective assessment to design value based treatment plans
  • Simplify the objective assessment to focus on high value problems for the patient
  • Explain solutions in simple terms patients understand
  • Set realistic patient expectations in the first session
  • Perform targeted and effective hands on treatment for quick wins and momentum
  • Prescribe high impact rehab that solves problems for patients to gain patient buy-in and adherence
  • Instills belief and confidence in full recovery

The result? Superior patient buy-in, expectations and adherence from day one.

This will ensure the patient has confidence in the therapist and the plan and will rebook (and turn up) to the next session.

Step 2: Early Stage Progressions
The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training step 2 early stage progressions

Next we ensure therapists can continue to progress the patient each session even when the patient’s initial high levels of motivation is dropping.

Your Therapists will:

  • Be super clear on exactly where they are going next with the patient
  • Continue to deliver effective hands on treatment without the patient relying on it
  • Seamlessly keep the patient progressing so they can continue to feel the difference in their day to day life
  • Prescribe the right exercises to maintain momentum and progress
  • Have a clear next step for the next session (and communicate it effectively)
  • Have the relevant hands on techniques and rehab exercises needed to do so

The result? Your therapist’s patient visit average will naturally increase. Their diary will continue to fill (and stay full) and more happy progressing patients.

Step 3: End Stage Progressions
The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training step 3 end stage progressions

In the final phase, we ensure therapists can keep patients motivated and progressing even when the pain is easing.

Your Therapists will:

  • Be super clear on exactly how to bridge the gap between low and high level rehab
  • Know exactly what progressions are next and be able to articulate it confidently to the patient
  • Progress the patient to ‘thoughtless, fearless, movement’
  • Transform your patient’s confidence and exceed expectations
  • Confidently discharge each patient after they achieve successful outcomes
  • Naturally earn and receive reviews and referrals

The result? Your therapist's patient visit average and Net Promoter Score will continue to increase ethically. Their ability to generate reviews and referrals will naturally increase and their confidence will continue to soar.

The clinic’s reputation will continue to grow organically and happy past patients will continue to return to the clinic in the future.

Here's What's Included In The 'Go-To' Private Practice Clinician Accelerator

What's Included In The 'Go-To' Private Practice Clinician Accelerator taught by Dave O’Sullivan
  • 6 core training modules with presentations, demonstrations, and case studies
  • Q&A opportunity after each lesson with ‘Go-To’ clinical experts
  • Bespoke feedback on role plays to practice communication techniques
  • Bespoke feedback on clinical observation and implementation of hands on and rehab techniques
  • Quizzes and worksheets for clinical reasoning, value based treatment plan designs and knowledge retention
  • Cheat sheets and protocol checklists
  • Private ‘Complex Patients’ community access for ongoing support with challenging cases
  • Graduation certificate upon core modules program completion
  • Access to the ‘How To’ ‘Go-To’ Physio Protocols Hub with all the assessments, hands on techniques and rehab exercises your clinician will ever need in daily practice

Everything your therapist needs to become confident, skilled clinicians who achieve better outcomes.

Here's What Therapists And Clinic Owners Are Saying After Implementing The ‘Go-To’ Method In Their Practice…

Transformational testimonials of Therapists And Clinic Owners After Implementing The ‘Go-To’ Method In Their Practice by Dave O’Sullivan

The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Programme has delivered rapid results for Physio clinics across the country.

You'll see the difference in therapist competence and confidence immediately.

More importantly, you'll see it with rising retention, referrals, and revenue.

About The Founder Dave O'Sullivan

About Dave O’Sullivan internationally renowned physiotherapist and leading educator for therapists worldwide

Dave O'Sullivan is an internationally renowned physiotherapist and leading educator for therapists worldwide.

He has worked with elite athletes across Rugby Union, Rugby League, Motorsports, and Professional Golf.

This high-pressure, results focused environment ignited his passion for helping therapists bridge the gap between knowledge and practical application.

Dave founded the ProSport Academy to fill the lack of advanced practical educational resources for therapists.

His mission is to help therapists become 'go-to' professionals by equipping them with effective assessment tools, hands-on techniques, communication methods and critical thinking skills to achieve optimal outcomes.

David's systems have been taught to over 1000 therapists globally and are renowned for getting results with even the most complex patients.

Now David has tailored his proven methodology into the 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training And Mentorship exclusively for physio clinic owners seeking to boost their team's competence and confidence.

Empower Your Team With The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Programme Today

Testimonials from The 'Go-To' Private Practice Clinician Accelerator taught by Dave O’Sullivan

Are you ready to bridge the gap holding your clinicians back?

With the 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Programme, you'll rapidly equip them with what they need to succeed.

Just imagine:

  • More patients progressing fully without dropping off
  • Higher revenue per patient (ethically)
  • More referrals and fewer cancellations
  • A stronger reputation safeguarding the clinic's future
  • More freedom for yourself as the owner

It all starts with having a team capable of delivering predictable outcomes.

That's exactly what you'll gain with the 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Programme.

Click below now to learn more about enrolling your therapists.

Expect to see rapid results within 6-12 weeks as your clinicians transform into trusted professionals ready to grow your clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions about the program:

It's designed specifically for physiotherapy/physical therapy clinic owners looking to equip their teams with better clinical skills and confidence in communicating with patients. We also consider applications from therapists working for someone else in private practice who aspire to excel their careers independently.

It bridges the gap between therapist knowledge and real world application using proven techniques developed by expert Dave O'Sullivan. The step-by-step methodology has been refined over 15+ years working with pro athletes and complex patients.

The focus is on clinical assessment, treatment planning, hands-on techniques, exercise prescription, communication methods, practice management protocols, and ethical sales conversations. The critical component is the ‘Go-To’ Method structured step by step system that brings it all together into one complete system.

The core training and onboarding is designed to be completed in 12 weeks. The content is organised into 6 modules that combine presentations, demonstrations, case studies, and role playing. The standard pace is one module per 2 weeks which includes the role play components. Every therapist is unique and some may progress at a faster or slower pace.

The training is delivered through pre-recorded online modules, coaching calls, a private ‘complex patients’ community platform, and downloadable materials. The role plays are recorded and uploaded to a special portal where Dave and his team will provide individualised feedback and tips.

Most clinics experience rapid improvements in therapist competence, patient adherence, increased revenue per patient, retention and referrals. Skills are designed to be immediately applicable.

Yes, we stand behind the quality of the program. If your therapists complete the core training as intended and do all the work and you don't see tangible improvements in your team's skills, we will provide a refund for the first 3 months of investment.

You can enrol your therapists by clicking the button below and filling in the application form. One of our team will then contact you to discuss details if we believe you are a good fit for the program.

Are You Ready To Transform Your Therapy Team?

The 'Go-To' Private Practice Therapist Training & Mentorship Programme gives you the fastest path to helping your physical therapists become confident, skilled clinicians who get better outcomes.

In just 12 weeks, you'll see dramatic improvements in:

  • Patient adherence and retention
  • Revenue per patient
  • Cancellation/no-show rates
  • Referrals and reputation
  • Therapist competence and confidence

All while gaining more freedom to step away, thanks to a trusted team equipped to deliver.

Don't leave your clinic's success to chance. Enrol now and rapidly accelerate your Physical therapy team.

You have nothing to lose thanks to our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Join the many clinic owners who are glad they took that first step and said YES to ethical and sustainable growth.

The time is now to elevate your team and clinic.