Start Your Journey to Becoming a Highly Skilled and Confident ‘Go-To’ Therapist in Private Practice

Whether you're a seasoned therapist or just starting out, discover our evidence-based online courses. Enroll today!

The Foundation For Your Journey To Becoming A Highly Skilled And Confident Therapist

Welcome to the Clinical Skills section of The 'Go-To' Physio Academy, where we provide the foundation for your journey to becoming a highly skilled and confident therapist who delivers life-changing results in private practice. Our online courses are carefully designed to introduce you to the latest evidence-based assessment, treatment, and clinical reasoning strategies that work in the real world.

Whether you're a new graduate looking to build a strong foundation or an experienced clinician seeking to refresh and expand your knowledge, our introductory courses will set you on the path to mastering the skills needed to tackle complex cases, achieve exceptional outcomes, and build a thriving practice.

Online Courses

Learn how to assess, treat & rehab more patients with our online physiotherapy courses using the Go To Physio Method. Access any time at your own pace!

Special Offer
Pain Science Made Simple For Private Practice Therapists

£97.00 £47.00

This course introduces the biopsychosocial approach, giving you the foundational knowledge to become the go-to pain resource...

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Special Offer
Back Pain Made Simple For Private Practice Therapists

£97.00 £47.00

Learn how to identify common underlying drivers, provide effective relief with your hands on techniques, and begin empowering...

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In-Person Courses

Join Dave O’Sullivan, World Cup Physio for an immersive experience & learn hands-on techniques & frameworks that will set you up for long term success.

Private Practice Therapist Accelerator Day


You'll be introduced to proven frameworks that give you the confidence to make sense of your patients symptoms, design value...

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