Finally Gain The Real Skills Needed To Confidently Thrive In Private Practice!

This intensive 1-day accelerator will reveal the proven frameworks and skills you need to confidently assess, explain conditions to, and treat even the most complex patients in private practice.

Attend The Next 1-Day Intensive Event

Next Course: Saturday 27th of July, 2024

Our University (And National Healthcare) Training Did Not Prepare Us Properly For Private Practice!


Have you ever left an initial assessment and thought, “this is going to be a tough one”?

Worried about the complexity of pain and ‘vague’ symptoms?

Imposter syndrome rears its ugly head…

And as treatment progresses, your fears are realised.

The hands-on techniques and usually-reliable exercises you learned at university don’t work.

Your patient’s treatment adherence falls off a cliff.

They relapse in their recovery.

You can barely get them to show up to the next session… let alone give you a 5-star review or referral.

If this all sounds familiar, don’t worry – I went through the exact same thing when I was first starting out in private practice.

I had patients who responded well on the treatment table… but they couldn’t move pain-free in the real world where it mattered most.

My diary was full one week, but empty the next.

The reality is we require different skills for different sessions as a patient progresses…

And chances are you were not taught these skills at university!

The Harsh Realities Of Private Practice…

  • Private Practice Is High Pressure Environment
  • Patients Expect Results Fast
  • Asking For Money At The End Of Sessions Can Be Awkward Especially When Patients Are Not Progressing
  • You May Feel Pressured Into Performing More Manual Therapy That You’d Like
  • It Can Be Difficult To Know If The Patient Is Safe To Go Back Doing Higher Level Activities Safely

The Exact Treatment Plan I Used For Players As A World Cup Physio


When I worked for England Rugby, we followed a proven framework for coaches and athletes.

They always wanted to know the same 4 things:

  • What's the problem?
  • Why did it happen?
  • What's the plan?
  • How long will it take to get back?

This set their expectations and gave them a clear pathway to recovery. They knew the player would be pain-free on the treatment table on day 7… ready to start running at day 14… but wouldn’t sprint at full speed until day 28 etc…

Because they knew the treatment pathway, players weren’t rushed back when the pain first went away. They had low relapse rates, high treatment adherence, and a superior level of recovery over the long term.

They are prepared to spend more sessions in therapy if they can picture their pathway back.

My private patients were different. They stopped seeing me after 3-4 sessions, once their pain eased and they got some mobility back.

But I wondered if my clinic patients would respond better to the ‘Pro Sport’ approach…

Attend The Next 1-Day Intensive Event

Next Course: Saturday 27th of July, 2024

The Key Difference In Pro Sport And Why It Works For Complex Patients In Private Practice


I spent more time explaining the treatment plan to my private clients. I focused on answering the same 4 key questions coaches and athletes wanted to know, and less time doing hands-on treatment.

And I noticed a HUGE shift… not only were patients leaving just as happy… they were actively ‘selling’ me on why they needed to come back, rather than the other way around.

I went from an overworked and stressed clinician who was too stressed to sleep at night, to calm and successful clinic owner finally getting paid what I was worth and able to switch off at night.

Finally Enjoy Going To Work Each Day And Confidently Treating Any Patient Who Comes Through Your Door…


The truth is clinic patients want the ‘Pro Sport’ treatment. They’re not going to the world cup… but to them, being healthy enough to tend to their garden or play sports with their kids is equally as important.

They want to reach a level of recovery beyond 3-4 sessions – as long as they have clear expectations and understand the milestones along the way.

Once I began to deliver this – and taught my physios to do the same – patients started raving about my clinic. Re-bookings skyrocketed… referrals went through the roof… and I took my clinic from a one room operation… to a team of ‘Go-To’ therapists who grow my clinic while I leave to work with pro athletes for months at a time!

And this is exactly what this one day intensive accelerator course will do for you too…

It will give you simple frameworks that empower you to be able to confidently help any patient who comes through your door.

Course Dates

In-Person – Huddersfield, UK

Venue only 10 min walk from Huddersfield train station

Sat 27th July | 10am-5pm

Who This Is For:

  • Existing Private Practice Therapists
  • Therapists Thinking Of Making The ‘Jump Into Private Practice’
  • Clinic Owners Who Mentor Staff And Want A Better Framework For Their Clinic

Here Is The Kind Of Results You Too Can Expect With These Frameworks…


Here’s What You’ll Learn In This Intensive 1 Day Event Specifically For Private Practice Healthcare Therapists…

Session 1

10am - 11am

The Non Negotiable Skills Required For Private Practice

Session 2

11am - 12pm

The Critical Questions To Ask In The Subjective Assessment If You Want A Motivated Patient That Ethically Keeps Progressing All The Way To The Final Session

Session 3

12pm - 1pm

Learn An Objective Assessment Approach That Gives You Valuable Information So You’ll Always Know Where To Start

Session 4

2pm - 3pm

Learn A Simple Framework To Confidently Explain The Problem, Solution And Plan To Set Realistic Patient Expectations

Session 5

3pm - 4pm

Design Treatment Plans That Get Patients Motivated, Adhered And Ethically Keeps Them Progressing Even When The Pain Eases

Session 6

4pm - 5pm

Prescribe Rehab Exercises That Get Results Fast So You Don’t Have To Rely On Your Hands On Treatment

Who Am I?


My name is Dave O’Sullivan. I’m a physiotherapist with an extensive background in both professional sports and private practice. I founded the ProSport Academy to help therapists like you feel more capable of growing their business and enhancing their reputation.

I have over 15 years’ experience working with elite athletes across a range of sports, including Rugby Union, Rugby League, Motorsport, and Professional Golf.

While I was working in these high-pressure environments, I noticed there was a lack of educational resources available to physiotherapists – particularly in the field of critical thinking and patient-focused care.

Personally, I would’ve really benefited from a step-by-step system when I was feeling less than capable in my practice. And this is what gave me the idea for ProSport Academy – which has gone on to be a leading provider of advanced physiotherapy education.

My goal is to help therapists overcome feelings of overwhelm and doubt, and become ‘go-to’ professionals in their respective communities. Through ProSport Academy’s courses, I share my expertise and the unique approaches I’ve used to build a rewarding, sustainable physiotherapy business.

My Experience and Expertise

  • Since 2015, I’ve helped over 1,500 therapists in over 50 countries improve their confidence.
  • I’ve worked as Head Physiotherapist for England Rugby League teams.
  • I was the Rehab Physiotherapist for England Rugby Union at the 2019 Rugby Union World Cup in Japan.
  • I was the Consultant Physiotherapist to the Wallabies Rugby Union team at the 2023 Rugby Championships and Rugby World Cup in France.
  • I run my own private physiotherapist practice in the North of England.
  • My qualifications include a BSc (HONS) in Physiotherapy from the University of Huddersfield, and an MSc in Strength and Conditioning from St. Mary’s University, London.
  • My physiotherapy clients have included professional superbike racers, professional footballers, Olympic ski and snowboard athletes – and even professional singers.

My mission is to guide ambitious clinicians from competence to mastery, by giving them the skills and guidance they need to never feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck again.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this intensive 1-day event, you’ll learn cutting-edge frameworks for patient assessments, clearly explaining conditions, treatment planning, and advanced rehab exercise prescription. It covers the core skills you need to confidently help any private practice patient.

It’s ideal for private practice physiotherapists, sports therapists, massage therapists, osteopaths and anyone looking to enhance their capabilities and confidence in private practice. Both experienced therapists and new grads will find immense value.

Unlike most courses that teach skills in isolation, this integrates assessment, explanation, planning, and exercise prescription into one cohesive approach for solving vague symptoms and achieving optimal patient outcomes.

No prior experience required! The accelerator day is designed to provide practical, ready-to-use skills for both new and experienced private practice therapists. If you are thinking of ‘making the jump’ into private practice, this is the course you have been waiting for!

Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion. While not a full “certification” program, it provides the core foundation for ascending into more advanced certifications like the Go-To Therapist Mentorship.

It is a 1-day in-person training held on the dates specified above in Huddersfield, UK (unless stated differently). The day features interactive practical sessions and lectures from 10am to 5pm.

The accelerator day fee is £97 due upfront upon registration.

Absolutely! You’ll leave feeling confident to seamlessly integrate the skills into your current practice to boost your capabilities.

Ready To Take Your Private Practice To The Next Level?


If you finished reading through these FAQs excited rather than overwhelmed…then the Go-To Therapist Accelerator Day is for you!

In just 1 day, you can gain the skills and confidence boost needed to tackle complex cases, deliver superior patient outcomes, and grow your practice exponentially.

The investment is miniscule compared to the immense long-term value you’ll gain. Not just in terms of making a greater impact and income…but finding renewed passion and purpose in your clinical work.

Spots are limited for this exclusive live training event.

Attend The Next 1-Day Intensive Event

Next Course: Saturday 27th of July, 2024