The 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship

Grow Your Practice Ethically: Double Patient Numbers, Reviews & Referrals In 90 Days To Become The 'Go-To' Physio In Your Town

The Complete Step-By-Step System To Confidently Handle Any Complex Case Who Walks Through Your Door

This System Is Trusted By...

Organise All Your Knowledge Into A Step-By-Step System That Gives You A Competitive Edge For Solving Complex Cases

Pain neuroscience education in the Go To Physio Mentorship

The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship gives you a structured step by step system to ‘troubleshoot’ any patient who walks through your door.

It will give you the real skills needed to thrive in private practice that you were not taught in University.

This Mentorship isn’t just a course, it’s a coaching system for physios and other healthcare professionals.

It provides access to training modules, an expert community, and treatment plans derived from my experience as a leading sport physiotherapist.

It was designed specifically for clinicians like you, who feel ready to make the leap from competence to mastery.

Confidently Predict And Communicate Treatment Timelines To Keep Patients Progressing Even When The Pain Eases

Make Sense Of Your Patients Symptoms And Find The Root Cause

Finally make sense of your patients ‘vague’ and ambiguous symptoms so you can find the root cause of the problem. Ask higher quality questions in the subjective assessment and simplify your objective assessment to understand exactly where to start in your treatment plan.

Set Patient Expectations And Predict How Many Sessions It Will Take

Design value based treatment plans that get patient ‘buy-in’ and adherence. Confidently predict how many sessions it will take so you can set expectations to give yourself the time required to deliver long lasting exceptional clinical results every time.

‘Start Fast And Ensure Your Patient Can ‘Feel The Difference’ In The 1st Session

Clinically reason the main contributors to the pain experience so you can quickly and effectively execute hands on treatment techniques that get results fast. Ensure you get long lasting results by prescribing rehab exercises that your patient can ‘feel’ working immediately.

Ensure Your Patient Returns For The Next Session And Continues To Make Progress Each Session

Prescribe rehab exercises that are easy to do and achieve the desired outcomes in a graded exposure manner. Enjoy a level of clarity and focus that has a clear next step in each session that ensures your patient keeps hitting key milestones.

Keep Your Patient Progressing Even When The Pain Eases

Confidently bridge the gap from low to high level rehab and maintain progress even when the pain has eased. Consistently exceed expectations and deliver the kind of results that EARNS reviews, referrals and the reputation as the ‘Go-To’ Therapist.

Everything You Need From The Initial Assessment To Successful Discharges

Gain the knowledge, skills and techniques that allow you to make better quality decisions that deliver better quality results for your patients. Every assessment, hands-on, rehab and ‘non-physical stressor’ technique you need to thrive in private practice.

Here Is How The Mentorship Program Works…

Become A ‘Go-To’ Physio In 3 Simple Steps

Fill Out Your Application Form

So we can be sure that we can help you, simply fill in your application form. We will then reach out to learn more about your goals and see if you are a good fit for the mentorship program..

Install The ‘Go-To’ Physio System

Access the members portal with the complete step by step framework. All lessons are short, sharp and highly practical so you can implement and see results immediately.

Get Expert Help Executing

Get expert coaching every step of the way including a ‘difficult patients forum’ and join a community of over 1,000 ambitious clinicians on the same path to clinical excellence.

I’ve Been In Your Position Before…

Dave O’Sullivan as physiotherapist for pro sport athletes

As a physiotherapist myself, I know how frustrating it is when you feel stuck in your career. Even though you’ve reached a level of skill and competence that sets you apart from many of your peers, you know there’s still a gap between where you are today and where you could be.

When faced with challenging cases, you start second-guessing your approach. You question whether you have the knowledge and skills to treat patients with more complex issues. And then you start worrying about how this could impact your reputation in the wider industry.

I know this feeling myself. Early in my career while working with my dream team (Munster Rugby), two players had to retire on my watch. It was at that moment that I said enough was enough, and I fully committed to building a complete and robust step-by-step system that didn’t rely on ‘magic bullets’ or ‘techniques.

If you’re experiencing similar challenges in your career, then you might be missing some critical elements in your system that are necessary for your success and your peace of mind. I learned that with the right direction, a shift in mindset, and a change of method, you can put an end to those feelings of frustration.

You want to be able to grow your practice and have other physiotherapists come to you for advice about resolving complex cases. You want your skills to be so refined that your colleagues see you as someone who has mastered clinical practice.

When I changed my approach and added more structure, my patients with complex issues started recovering quicker. I stopped second guessing myself, and my peers started to see me as their ‘go-to’ physio for advice.

Drawing on all my years’ experience, I developed this program to help you achieve clinical mastery too. It’s designed to help you make progress with those challenging cases and grow your patient list to the point that you need to take on your own employees.

This is about more than boosting your skills. It’s about cementing your reputation as an expert clinician – one who other physios look to for guidance.

How Often Do You Find Yourself In These Situations…?

  • Assessing a patient with complex issues, but you feel unsure of where the root issue lies. Self-doubt creeps in, making you second-guess your skills.
  • Designing a treatment plan, but you start to question if it will fully resolve your patient’s complaints. A voice asks: ‘‘is this really the right approach?’’
  • You ‘wing’ the first session using the same hands on treatment and rehab techniques for every patient. You find yourself going through the motions and losing passion for the profession.
  • A patient returns with the same stubborn symptoms. You get that sinking feeling that maybe you’re not skilled enough to help them.
  • You progress a patient’s rehab plan to the next stage, but they never quite achieve the highest function you know is possible.
  • A colleague asks for your advice with a challenging case, but you don’t feel confident enough to guide them.

If you find yourself in at least 2 of these situations on a weekly basis, then there’s a chance that you need to develop more structure in your approach and will benefit from a step-by-step system.

By refining your skills and knowledge you can reach a level of expertise where you can confidently assess, explain, and treat even the most complex, ambiguous cases.

In just 12 weeks, I can help you cement your reputation and ethically keep patients progressing. You'll start to see consistently great results that lead to more referrals – all without doubting yourself or losing patients.

My step-by-step approach lets you apply your knowledge and training into a cohesive, actionable framework that creates consistent, reliable, and lasting results.

The Go-To Therapist Mentorship Program

The Go-To Therapist Mentorship Program showing the steps from the overwhelmed clinician to the master clinician
  • Cutting-edge assessment frameworks to uncover subtle findings others miss.
  • Insights into how you can confidently treat any patient by refining your assessments.
  • A simple explanation model to turn perplexing pain presentations into simple, inspiring explanations and solutions.
  • A treatment design masterclass that will show you how to create nuanced plans that resolve complex symptoms. No more trial-and-error treatments.
  • Effective hands-on treatment techniques that get long-lasting results.
  • Step-by-step rehab progression plans to improve patient function.
  • Critical thinking and clinical reasoning models to solve even the most ambiguous symptoms.
  • A simplified step-by-step system to help you understand the ‘why’ behind everything you do.

Here's What You'll Gain…

  • Confidence to progress patients without dropping off
  • Increased patient visit average and revenue (ethically)
  • Higher rebook rates and retention
  • Lower cancellation did not rebook rates
  • Happier patients who refer others
  • Safeguarded reputation with consistent care
  • More energy leaving work and an ability to ‘switch off at night’

Here’s What’s Included…

What is included in the Go-To Therapist Mentorship Program, from cheat sheets to online coaching calls
  • Access To The Complete ‘Go-To’ Private Practice Therapist Accelerator modules with applied demonstrations
  • Q&A opportunity after each lesson
  • Bespoke feedback on role plays of critical activities
  • Quizzes, cheat sheets & protocol checklists
  • ‘Complex Patients’ forum access for support with tricky cases
  • Weekly ‘Clinical Reasoning’ scenarios
  • Ongoing support and continuing professional development with the master clinician pathway

Who We Have Helped…

Pro Sport

Oliver Waite

Crystal Palace FC

Mohamed Barakat

Wadi Degla FC

David Ferguson

Leeds Rhinos Head Physio

Nawal Gurung

Fulham F.C Sports Therapist

David Hanly

Connacht Rugby

Will Franklin

Leeds Utd Physiotherapist

Online Coaches

David Grey

David Grey Rehab

Andy Chen

Moment Physical Therapy and Performance

Alex Morrell

Move Physiotherapy

Private Practice Owners

Marty Loughran

Elite Physiotherapy, Northern Ireland

Laura Franklin

Laura Franklin Pilates And Physiotherapy, UK

Lisa Wiles

Hands That Heal, UK

National Healthcare Physiotherapists

Loretta Aliprandi

National Healthcare, Australia

Andy Ellis

National Healthcare, UK

Bridget Dean

National Healthcare, Australia

Physical Therapy Lecturers

Larry Geraghty

Physical Therapy Course Leader

Declan Kearney

Physical Therapy Course Tutor

Cash Based Clinic Owners USA

Dylan Seeley

Cash Based Chiropractor, USA

Nevin Saju

Cash Based PT, USA

Kim Aing

Cash Based PT Owner, USA


Carson Aune

Chiropractor, USA

Steven Tran

Chiropractor, Australia

Amy Bowzaylo

Sports Chiropractor, Bahrain


Mario Ciccone

Osteopath, UK

Eu Gene Chong


Cher Hart

Osteopath, UK

Sports Therapists

Miles Mitchell-Coop

Sports Therapist

Chloe Wilson

Sports Therapist

Stuart Bertram

Sports Therapist


Saoire Waldron

Podiatrist, Ireland

Adam Smith

Podiatrist, Scotland

David McKechnie

Podiatrist, UK

Strength & Rehab Coaches

Rob Moloney

Molo Rehab & Performance

Andy Reay

Head Of S & C, Pure Sports Medicine

John Noonan

F2 Performance Coach

Sports Massage Therapists

Okey Eze

Sports Massage Therapist

Katie Evans

Sports Massage Therapist

Kate Green

Sports Massage Therapist


Tricia Renshaw

Physical Therapist, USA

Jasper Chang

Athletic Therapist, USA

Edwin Santiagoa

Performance Coach, USA


Greg Stern

Ground Up Physiotherapy

Jill Saban

Physio Clinic Owner, Canada

Sandra Voth

Physiotherapist, Canada


Gina Nelson

Queensland Reds Physiotherapist

Aaron Turnbull

Physiotherapist, Brisbane

Dan Rehder

Brisbane, Australia

New Zealand

Milosz Milito

Osteopath, New Zealand

LeeVan Santos

Hurricanes Physiotherapist

Peter Hughes

All Black 7’s Rehab Physiotherapist


Tommy Brennan

Pain & Performance Clinic, Ireland

Fabio Torres


Mira Rühl

Physiotherapist, Germany

South Africa

Samantha Dunbar

South Africa

Michael Mann

South Africa

Tai Ellis

Cape Town


Jo Leung

Hong Kong

Zaki Hairodin


Jonah Chung

Hong Kong

Who Am I


My name is Dave O’Sullivan. I’m a physiotherapist with an extensive background in both professional sports and private practice. I founded the ProSport Academy to help therapists like you feel more capable of growing their business and enhancing their reputation.

I have over 15 years’ experience working with elite athletes across a range of sports, including Rugby Union, Rugby League, Motorsport, and Professional Golf.

While I was working in these high-pressure environments, I noticed there was a lack of educational resources available to physiotherapists – particularly in the field of critical thinking and patient-focused care.

Personally, I would’ve really benefited from a step-by-step system when I was feeling less than capable in my practice. And this is what gave me the idea for ProSport Academy – which has gone on to be a leading provider of advanced physiotherapy education.

My goal is to help therapists overcome feelings of overwhelm and doubt, and become ‘go-to’ professionals in their respective communities. Through ProSport Academy’s courses, I share my expertise and the unique approaches I’ve used to build a rewarding, sustainable physiotherapy business.

My Experience and Expertise

  • Since 2015, I’ve helped over 1,500 therapists in over 50 countries improve their confidence.
  • I’ve worked as Head Physiotherapist for England Rugby League teams.
  • I was the Rehab Physiotherapist for England Rugby Union at the 2019 Rugby Union World Cup in Japan.
  • I was the Consultant Physiotherapist to the Wallabies Rugby Union team at the 2023 Rugby Championships and Rugby World Cup in France.
  • I run my own private physiotherapist practice in the North of England.
  • My qualifications include a BSc (HONS) in Physiotherapy from the University of Huddersfield, and an MSc in Strength and Conditioning from St. Mary’s University, London.
  • My physiotherapy clients have included professional superbike racers, professional footballers, Olympic ski and snowboard athletes – and even professional singers.

My mission is to guide ambitious clinicians from competence to mastery, by giving them the skills and guidance they need to never feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck again.

How The Mentorship Program Helps You Get To The Next Level…

Who Is It For?

The ‘Go-To’ Method was designed for…

  • Physiotherapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapy Assistants
  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors
  • Sports Therapists
  • Licensed Massage Therapists
  • Strength Coaches
  • Podiatrists
  • Kinesiologists
  • Pilates Teachers
  • Yoga Teachers
  • And Other Healthcare Professionals

And... The ‘Go-To’ Method works if you have your own clinic or just working in someone else’s private practice... or even you are thinking of making the jump into private practice…

And your experience level...

So, it doesn't matter if you are a student about to graduate and want to hit the ground running without making years of mistakes and trial and error or you’ve been in the profession for 30+ years…

We've implemented this method with success at all levels...


Here’s What Other Physios Say About The Mentorship Program…


My business was running me - now I run the business. I was stressed and constantly questioning myself. Now that I’ve taken the Mentorship, I’m confident in being able to deal with any type of patient issue.

Laura, ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentee

I had a scattered approach to working with clients before. Now, I know exactly what action I’m going to take. I used to see about 10–15 clients a week, now I sometimes see up to 30 a week.

Greg, ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentee

I’m a lot busier now – in a good way. My caseload is bigger and I’m happier. I know I can help every patient that comes through the door.

Ben, ‘Go-To’ Physio Mentee

Frequently Asked Questions

The ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship program is designed specifically for therapists who want to confidently help any patient who walks through your door. The ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mentorship program is specifically for clinic owners who want to deliver exceptional clinical results and deliver an exceptional patient experience from start to finish. The 'Go-To' Clinic Mentorship program contains everything in the Therapist Mentorship program in addition to more financial, operational and leadership systems required to gain true freedom. It also contains staff training for both your therapists and admin team. You can find out more about the ‘Go-To’ Clinic Mentorship program here.

Our program is unique in its comprehensive approach by empowering you to build a complete system. We provide a structured, step-by-step system that covers every skill needed to thrive in private practice, from patient 'buy-in' to delivering exceptional clinical results. Plus, you'll receive personalised support and access to our exclusive community of like-minded therapists.

Absolutely! The 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program is designed to help therapists at all stages of their career. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your established practice to the next level, our system will give you the tools and guidance you need to succeed.

The program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to learn at your own pace. However, we recommend dedicating at least 2-3 hours per week to engage with the course materials, attend coaching calls, and implement what you learn in your practice.

We offer multiple channels for support, including weekly group coaching calls, a private online community, and personalised feedback. You'll also have access to our comprehensive library of resources.

We have different levels of support depending on your specific situation. To find out which level is specific to your situation and needs click here to apply now.

We ask potential members to apply and speak with our team to ensure that the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program is the right fit for your needs and goals. This allows us to learn more about your challenges, and your aspirations, so we can tailor our support to help you succeed. It also gives you an opportunity to ask any questions and gain clarity on how the program can benefit you specifically. We're committed to your success, and this application process helps us maintain a high-quality, engaged community of therapists.

Yes, the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program is a legitimate business expense for private practice therapists. Investing in professional development, training, and support is a common and necessary part of running a successful practice. By improving your clinical skills, patient outcomes, and processes, you are directly contributing to the growth and profitability of your clinic. We recommend consulting with your accountant or financial advisor to determine how to best categorise this investment for your specific situation.

The 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of private practice situations. Whether you're a solo practitioner or managing a multi-therapist clinic, our system provides a comprehensive framework for clinical excellence. Through our application process and initial onboarding calls, we'll work with you to understand your unique challenges and tailor our support to your specific needs. Plus, with our community of like-minded therapists, you'll have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from.

We understand that private practice therapists are busy, which is why the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your schedule. Our step-by-step system is broken down into manageable modules, allowing you to learn and implement at your own pace. Plus, with our practical resource library, you'll be able to save time and streamline your processes. Many of our members have found that by implementing our system, they actually save time in the long run, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

We're confident in the value and effectiveness of the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program, which is why we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you join the program and find that it's not the right fit for your practice, simply let us know within the first 30 days and we'll refund your investment in full. We're committed to your success and satisfaction, and want you to feel confident in making this investment in your practice.

If you're a private practice therapist who is committed to providing exceptional patient care, mastering complex cases, and growing your reputation, then this program is for you. Our system is designed for ambitious therapists who are ready to take action and implement proven strategies to achieve clinical excellence and transform patients lives whom traditional approaches have failed.

By implementing the strategies and systems taught in the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program, you can expect to attract more patients, improve patient buy-in and adherence, achieve better clinical outcomes (especially with complex cases), and increase your reputation. Our members have reported significant growth in their practice, with some doubling or even tripling their patient visits within the first year.

To enrol in the 'Go-To' Therapist Mentorship Program, simply click the "Apply Now" button on this page. You'll be taken to a short application form, where you can provide some information about your situation and goals. Once submitted, a member of our team will review your application and contact you to discuss the next steps.

If you have any additional questions or would like to speak with a member of our team before enrolling, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can contact us via email at We're here to help you make the best decision for your practice and your goals.