How To Achieve Predictable Patient Results Every Time


Are your patient results predictable?

Do you have a clear timeline and plan in place to help them reach their goals?

Can you at least tell them confidently how long it’s going to take to get right… and mean it?

Don’t worry, neither did I.

I’d tell my patient one thing… but in the back of my mind I was second guessing myself…

I tried to appear confident, in control but in reality I wasn’t and my patient could sniff me from a mile off.

I’d know what the problem was but I had a real hard time explaining this to my patients.

It was seriously frustrating…

It started to grate on me… my confidence was shying away.

This was a big thing for me because whilst working in pro sport with high profile players confidence was a big thing that I needed.

So on the days that I’d be working with Huddersfield Giants I made damn well sure that I’d put my confidence to the test and gain that much needed clarity.

I look at confidence this way…

Clarity => Confidence -> Action

If you don’t have the clarity you know it and very often your patient knows it.

Your tone of voice will change…

Your body language will change…

Your eye contact will shift…

How To Achieve Predictable Patient Results Every Time Blog Image

There are 5 tips that I follow strictly so I have clarity with every patient.

1: Understand the ‘WHY’ behind everything you’re doing
2: Gain a structured step by step system
3: Be able to apply the knowledge you’re consuming
4: Use key performance indicators to hold yourself accountable
5: Get a support network or mentor and don’t be afraid to ask for help

These 5 points give me the confidence to be in control of the situation…

To guarantee I know and can reach the outcome for my patients…

And it’s the same 5 questions that Pip is using to dramatically increase her confidence as a new grad…

Pip Case Study

…it’s how she is delivering world class treatment plans and feeling confident that she is giving her patients true value..

…without the embarrassment of second guessing herself in front of a patient.

Anyways you can try and battle on through and guess at how to give these 5 tips a go yourself…


You could take my hand and I’ll show you exactly how I’m using them right now in my clinic to pack my diary out…

(it’s not just my diary, it’s my other 3 therapists that I’ve had to bring back on full time after the pandemic due to demand)

Click here and let me walk you through it.

It’ll be a CPD session for just 30 minutes.

No selling or any of that B.S that no one wants to hear.

Just complete utter value to increase your confidence as a therapist.

Talk soon,

P.S. Here is your link again for a FREE 30 minute CPD session, there’s a couple left for the month you’ll see after you fill in the short form.


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